Sunday, 16 January 2011

Public meeting this week....

Public meeting at the school
The school is holding a public meeting at the school this Wednesday 19th to discuss their ideas for the wood. There are two presentations: one from 2 to 3 pm and one 5 to 6pm. I urge you to attend and explain why local people are so upset at the prospect of the wood closing at how we could help manage the wood in return for continued access. Thanks to Ian for spotting this!
Neighbourhood forum meeting
This Thursday 20th, there is a neighbourhood forum meeting at Easton Primary School on Beaufort Street from 630 to 830. This is a good chance to make the wider community aware of the school's plans and our views on them - and get other people involved.
Picnic in the Wood
A group of us would like to suggest an event at the wood where we can meet each other, celebrate the wood and put our views across to anyone who is there to listen - the local paper for example. Do post your ideas for how to do this, who to involve, etc. Suggested date is Friday 18th February from 3-5pm - any views??

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